7 Tips on How To Make Visually Appealing Sketchnotes With Procreate, Even if You Suck at Drawing
#1 You don’t need to be Picasso
Are your digital illustration supplies gathering dust in some drawer, because you promised yourself to finally learn how to illustrate but never did?
I don’t blame you. The possibilities with digital illustration are endless, and, frankly, quite intimidating.
In a previous life where I tried to learn how to code, I attended a large tech conference. I saw how two people at my table captured the essence of each talk in beautifully drawn sketch notes. They could probably code like a full-fledged engineer already while I was still making baby steps. Now they could make digital illustrations too? I felt nothing short of envious.
It took a while before I did something with this desire to learn this skill.
Three years after attending this conference, I finally taught myself how to draw in Procreate during a self-directed 30-day challenge. Now I can draw simple comics, illustrate my own featured images, and make sketchnotes!
While attending Sinem Günel’s 5-day Online Writing Challenge, I decided to ditch the analog pen and paper and tried capturing the most important learnings on a digital canvas.